Monday, 20 September 2010

What is resolution?

Resolution is the term used for how many pixels go into one inch of the image on screen.
The more pixels per inch gives a higher resolution which would then result in better graphics.
The same concept is used with images and photos, the more pixels per inch result in a stronger and crisper image.
Resolution is also known as DPI, this is the abbreviation for dots per inch, it is necessary to use the correct DPI for the job, 300 DPI is used for printing and 72 DPI is used for work on screen.

What is a pixel?

A pixel is the very smallest, individual part of an image.
The image can be still like a photo or animated like a movie or game, pixels make up all images other than vector type images, however vector is not really used in games, films or any animations.
To conclude a pixel is a extremely small coloured dot, when pixels are combined they make the full image, however the closer the image is zoomed in the less quality it has.

What is bitmap?

Bitmap is the name given to a 2D image with a variety of pixel colours and combinations.

What is vector?

Vector graphics are relatively simple, they are made from simple lines, curves and polygons.
The graphics themselves are mathematical as the individual shapes are plotted and create by angles and equations which when finished give an image.
A great thing about vector graphics is that they do not use pixels so no matter how far in you zoom the quality maintains itself making it good for labels on product, however a downside is that because pixels are not use the overall graphical appearance is lower and there for not used with things such as photos and animations.

This is a vector image, as you can see
it keeps it quality when zoomed in.

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